
Showing posts from January, 2018
WORLD WIDE WEB WEB BROWSER Web browser or browser is application software that allows users to access and view web pages. The purpose is to bring information resources to the users. With an Internet connection establish,you start a Web browser.The web browser retrieves and displays a starting Web pages. Web pages provide links to other related Web pages (Surfing the Web). Download - the process of receiving information from a server on the Internet. Uploading - the process of transferring documents,graphics and other objects from a computer to a server on the Internet. Example : Google Chrome,Safari,Opera,Firefox,Internet Explorer. WEB ADDRESS   A web pages has a unique address called a URL (Uniform Resources Locator) or Web Address . A web address retrieves a Web page using its Web address. If you know the Web address of a Web page,you can type it in the address bar at thetop of the browser window. Web address consist of : Protoco,Domain Name,Pa


DIFFERENT TYPES OF INTERNET CONNECTION Dial-up Connection Conventional Dial-up To connect to the computer,computer dials its modem,and connect to a modem attached to to a computer belonging to your ISP. PC has to dial via telephone line to connect. Exm : TMNet ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network) Transfer data using ordianary telephone line & use two phone lines to transfer data. ISDN require a special ISDN modem. Direct Connection / Broadband Internet Connection DSL Broadband delivered through telephone line. Transmites over telephone line but not tie up the line. Fast,direct Internet access via standard telephone line. Requires DSL modem,available in urban area. Exm : Streamyx without WiFi Fiber To The Premise Also known as Broadband over Fiber. Delivers over fibre optic all teh way over building.(Available in limited area & fast but expe


OVERVIEW OF THE INTERNET Definition of Internet : The Internet is a worldewide collection of networks that links millions of businesses,govenment agencies,educational institutions and individuals. Advantages and Disadvantages of Internet : Advantages Disadvantages Software Downloads : Can freely download software like utilities,games,music,videos,movies, etc from internet. Virus Threat : Computers attached to internet are more prone to virus attacks and they can end up into crashing your whole hard disk. Online Services : Can perform transactions online. Can book tickets for movie,transfer funds,pay utility bills. Make a hotel or flight reservation right from your home. Social Disconnect : People now only meet on socila networks. More and more people are getting engaged with virtual world and drifting apart from their friends and family. E-mail : People can sent mesages.It is delivered i


NETWORK TOPOLOGY Definition  : A network topology refers to the layout of the computers and devices in a communications network. Physical topology  : The arrangement of a cabling is the physical topology. Logical topology  : The path that data travels between computers on a network is the logical topology. STAR TOPOLOGY BUS TOPOLOGY  STAR TOPOLOGY CRITERIA STAR TOPOLOGY BUS TOPOLOGY RING TOPOLOGY Definition All teh computers and other devices on the network connect to a central device,thus forming  a star. A bus network consist of a single central cable (backbone),to which all computers and other devices connect. On a ring network,a cable forma a closed lops (ring) with all computer and devices arranged along the ring. Advantages If on device fails,only that device is affected. Devices can be added to or removed from network with little or no disruption. Easy to troubleshoot and isolate problem. Inexpencive


COMPUTER NETWORK What is network? A network is a collection of computers, servers, mainframes, network devices, peripherals, or other devices connected to one another to allow the sharing of data. An excellent example of a network is the Internet, which connects millions of people all over the world. Below is an example image of a home network with multiple computers and other network devices all connected to each other and the Internet. Cmmunication Device & Transmission Media Communication Devices : A communication device is any type of hardware capable of transmitting data,instructions and information between a sending device and a receiving device. Type of communication devices : Dial-up Modem  - can convert digital signals to analog signals,so that data can travel along an analog telephone line. Digital Modem (ISDN,DSL,Cable Modem)  - sends and receives data and information to and from a digital line. Wireless Modem  - some mobile users have a wireless mo


NETWORK ARCHITECTURE Definition  : The configuration of computers,devices and media on a network. Client-Server network Peer to peer Network Differences Between Client/Server and Peer to Peer Network Category Client/Server Peer-to-Peer Definition One or more computers act as a server and the other computers on the network request services from the server. Each computer called a peer,has equal responsibilities and capabilities,sharing hardware (such as a printer),data or information with other computers on the peer-to-peer network. Size For medium and large network. For small network fewer than 10 computers. Operating System Needs a specific operating system such as Windows Server 2008. Does not need a specific operating system. Training Need training. Does no need training. Set up More difficult to set up. Easy to set up. Installation More expensive to install. Less expensive to install. Implementation