- Portal
- Business
- Blog
- Wiki
- Online Social Network
- A web site that offers variety of internet services from single,convenient location.
- Provide the functions and features to authenticate and identify the users.
- Privide with an easy,intuitive,personalized and user customizable web interface for facilitating access to information.
- Have online community :
- Online community ; a web site that joins a specific group of people with similar interest or relationship.
- eg : KMPh portal e-learning,AltaVista,AOL,Excite,GO.com.iGoogle,Lycos,MSN and Yahoo!.
- A wireless portal : designed for internet-enabled moble devices.Suppport a user with a smartphone or alphanumeric pager.
- An informal web site consisiting of time stamped articles or posts in diary or journal format,usually listed in reverse chronological order.
- Types of blog :
- vlog - a blog that contains video clips.
- Microblog - allows user to publish short messages usually 100 & 200 characters. (Twitter).
- Blogger - blog author.
- Vlogger - vlog author.
- Blogosphere - the world wide collection of blogs.
- Vlogosphere - all vlogs worldwide.
- A collaborative website that allows users to create,add to,modify or delete the web site content via their web browser.
- The difference between a wiki and blog is that users cannot modify origional post made by the blogger.
- Visitor can also create new contennt and change the organization of existing content.
- The simplest wiki programs allow editing of text and hyperlinks only.
- Encourage members in its online community to share their interest,ideas,stories,photos,music and videos with other registered users.
- Eg : Facebook,MySpace
- A media sharing web site
- a specific type of online social network that enables members to share media such as photos,music and videos.
- Flickr,picasa web and Webshots - popular photo sharing communities.
- Eyespot and YouTube - popular video sharing communities.
- Contain content that promotes or sells products or services.
- Many of these enterprises also allow you to purchase their procucts online.
- Eg : Pearl Haya Gallery,Anakku Brand,Walt Disney Company.
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