

SECURITY MEASURES Definition of security measures: The precautionary measures taken toward possible danger or damage. DATA BACKUP A data backup is the result of copying or archiving files and folders for the purpose of being able to restore them in case of data loss. Data loss can be caused by many things ranging from computer viruses, hardware failures, file corruption, system failure or theft.  Definition Benefits Importance To copy files to a second medium (a disk or tape) as a precaution in case the first medium fails In the case of system failure, you can restore the files by copying the backed up files to their original location. Prevent against data loss CRYPTOGRAPHY Cryptography Encryption Decryption Technology of encoding information so it can only be read by authirized individuals. Process of converting readable data i


TYPES OF COMPUTER SECURITY RISKS Definition : Any event or action that could cause a loss of damage to computer hardware,software,data,information or processing capability. MALICIOUS CODE (Virus,Worm,Trojan Horse) Malicious code is code causing damage to a computer or system. It is code not easily or solely controlled through the use of anti-virus tools. Computer Virus Definition : A computer virus is a potentially damaging computer program that affects or infects, a computer negatively by altering the way the computer works without the user’s knowledge or permission. Examples: Melissa, Tequila, Cascade, Invader   Worm A worm is a program that copies itself repeatedly. For example in memory or on a network, using up resources and possibly shutting down the computer or network. Examples: Jerusalem, Sobig,   Nimda, Morris Worm Trojan Horse A program that hides within or looks like a legitimate program. It does not replicate itself to other comput


AREAS OF COMPUTER ETHICS Definition : The moral guidelines that govern the use of computers,mobile devices and information. INFORMATION ACCURACY Many users access information maintained by other people or companies such as on the Internet. Do not assume all the information on the Web is correct. User should evaluate the value of a web page before relying on its content. Be aware that the organization providing access  to  the information may not be the creator or the information. GREEN COMPUTING Green computing is the environmentally responsible and eco-friendly use of computers and their resources. In broader terms, it is also defined as the study of designing, manufacturing/engineering, using and disposing of computing devices in a way that reduces their environmental impact. Reduce the electricity and environmental waste while using computer. Action that has been taken : Using energy - efficient devices that require little power when they are not i


RULES OF NETIQUETTE Netiquette or net etiquette (etiquette on the Internet ) Is the code of acceptable behaviours users should follow while on the Internet or online cyberspace. It is conduct expexted of individuals while online. For : WWW,E-mail,Instant Messaging,Chat room,Newsgroup & message board. Image 1 NETIQUETTE GUIDELINES FOR ONLINE COMMUNICATIONS  Image 2 Golden Rule : Treat others a you would the to treat you. Be polite.Avoid offensive language. Avoid sending or posting flames,which are abusive or insulting messages.Do not participae in flame wars,which are exchanges of flames. Be careful when using sarcsm and humor,as it migh tbe misinterpreted. Do not use all captal letters,which equivalent of SHOUTING! Use emoticons to express emotion. Clearly identify spoiler,which is a message that reveals an outcome to a game or ending to a movie or program. Be forgiving of other's mistakes. Read the FAQ,if one exist. Image 3


TYPES OF WEBSITES Portal Business Blog Wiki Online Social Network PORTAL - A web site that offers variety of internet services from single,convenient location. - Provide the functions and features to authenticate and identify the users. - Privide with an easy,intuitive,personalized and user customizable web interface for facilitating access to information. - Have online community : Online community ; a web site that joins a specific group of people with similar interest or relationship. eg : KMPh portal e-learning,AltaVista,AOL,Excite,,Lycos,MSN and Yahoo!. - A wireless portal : designed for internet-enabled moble devices.Suppport a user with a smartphone or alphanumeric pager. BLOG - An informal web site consisiting of time stamped articles or posts in diary or journal format,usually listed in reverse chronological order. - Types of blog : vlog - a blog that contains video clips. Microblog - allows user to publish


INTERNET SERVICES Types of Internet Services : World Wide Web (WWW) E-Mail Instant Messaging Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) Message Board File Transfer Protocol WORLD WIDE WEB (WWW) -Consist of a worldwide collection of electronic documents.Each electronic document called web page which can contain text,graphic,animation,audio and video.Have built in conections to other documents. Static (fixed) - visitor see all the same content. Dynamic - visitor can customize some or all of the viewed content such as desired stock quotes,weather for a region or ticket availability for flights. E-MAIL -Short for electronic mail. -Transmission of messages and files via a computer network.Consist of simple text or can contain attachment such as documents,graphics,audio or video clips. -Google and Yahoo! provide free e -mail services. -An e-mail address is a unique name that consist of a user name and domain name that identifies the user. -Basic form : username@host
WORLD WIDE WEB WEB BROWSER Web browser or browser is application software that allows users to access and view web pages. The purpose is to bring information resources to the users. With an Internet connection establish,you start a Web browser.The web browser retrieves and displays a starting Web pages. Web pages provide links to other related Web pages (Surfing the Web). Download - the process of receiving information from a server on the Internet. Uploading - the process of transferring documents,graphics and other objects from a computer to a server on the Internet. Example : Google Chrome,Safari,Opera,Firefox,Internet Explorer. WEB ADDRESS   A web pages has a unique address called a URL (Uniform Resources Locator) or Web Address . A web address retrieves a Web page using its Web address. If you know the Web address of a Web page,you can type it in the address bar at thetop of the browser window. Web address consist of : Protoco,Domain Name,Pa